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5 Must-Have Drinks for Your Party

Entertaining Tips Odette Williams House Scaled 1.jpeg

Another evening, my friend Odette along with me hosted a small drink party. Five fun items from the night stood out. I’d like to share them for the world…

1. Decorate your space with branches. How beautiful are the sculptured branches on her kitchen table? The branches pack such a powerful impact, even though they are cheaper that fresh flower arrangements. They are often found in bodegas and the Trader Joe’s.

2. You might want to bring an original cocktail. We sent an invitation to the party for all guests to “please bring a drink to share,” and the majority of us had the wine which turned out to be fantastic. However, the moment Jenny as well as her partner Andy came in and poured out an ice-cold container of home-made Hemingway drinks. It was a roaring crowd at the sound of it; it was amazing and exciting. “This drink seemed batchable,” Jenny said to me afterwards. “And I adore grapefruit. We have Trader Joe’s Grapefruit juice in the refrigerator all year long however we used fresh grapefruits to make this recipe.Grapefruit juice is refreshing and not too sweet.”

3. Put on something casual like a T-shirt. The accurate aspect about drinking parties is that there’s no pressure. When you attend a cocktail party, people usually dress in formal attire and at a dinner event you must arrive on time and remain until the very last minute. A drinks party, however, is a great time to chill. I was awestruck when Eric was wearing the Jaws Tee and I put off a sweater and a pair of jeans.

4. Enjoy a moment of group. Okay, let me get this in: I’m big believer that parties are more fun when everyone comes together for a couple of minutes — for example a toast, game or other activity. It helps break the ice and makes it appear to be a cohesive event, as opposed to a group of people in the same space all at once. At Odette’s place We asked everyone to make circles and share with us about two things that they had either experienced the accurate meal they’ve ever eaten or their most irrational anxiety. It was very very fun and interesting to listen to people’s responses and everyone appeared to be loved.

5. Serve something warm towards the closing. When people arrived Odette as well as I laid up a buffet on her counter including cheese, hummus, pita olives, as well as other snacks. Everyone was having a blast eating the food items. However, towards closing time of evening, Odette casually pulled out an oven-baked spanakopita. (!!!) It was warm and delicious, and was like the most delicious reward. Later that day Jenny me and Jenny were talking about text messages that she had written: “The food situation was amazing. It was like a plethora of food items, suddenly, a gorgeous huge-format item appears freshly made.” My sibling often has this happen with blankets of pigs as well. #bookmarking

Of course none of these things is necessary however, they were enjoyable small pleasures. What are you most interested in doing or eating out at events? I’d love to hear about it…

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